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Tammy Horsfall
Algorithmic Trading, Technical Indicator Mastery, Interpreting Key Economic Data
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Jacques Nel
Copy Trading Pro, Back Testing Trading Strategies, Statistical approach Analysis of financial Assets
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Miguel Rodriguez
Master of the Charts, Macro Analysis, Currency Trading, Stock Market Fundamentals
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Frank Walbaum
Forex Trading Maestro, Specialized in Asian Currencies, German Stock Market Connoisseur
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Walid Koudmani
Macro Analysis, FX and Stock Market Fundamentals, Crypto Enthusiast
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English 🇺🇸
🗓 30.07.24
⏰ 15:00 - 16:00

Live Market Analysis: Gold, EURUSD, NASDAQ & More

Jacques Nel
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Italiano 🇮🇹
🗓 31.07.24
⏰ 18:00 - 18:30

Analisi Tecnica per Principianti

Walid Koudmani
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Deutsch 🇩🇪
🗓 31.07.24
⏰ 17:00 - 17:30

Wie man wichtige Preisniveaus identifiziert

Frank Walbaum
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