CFD Expiration Dates
Any existing pending order(s) (i.e. Stop Loss, Take Profit, Entry Stop or Entry Limit) placed on an instrument will be adjusted to symmetrically (point-for-point) reflect the price differences between the expiring contract and the new contract on “Date” at 21:00 GMT.
To align with the new Future contracts, the automatic rollover will now incorporate a charge equal to the CFD spread. This effectively mirrors the cost you would have faced if your CFD position had been closed on the expiration date and a new CFD position opened based on the new Future contract. The spread charge will be included in the adjustment already made to account for the price difference between the expiring and new Future contracts.
Clients with open positions at 21:00 GMT on rollover date will have their balances adjusted for the price difference between the old and new contracts through a swap charge or credit, processed at 21:00 GMT.
If the new contract's price is higher than the expiring one, long positions (buy) will receive a negative rollover adjustment, and short positions (sell) a positive one.
Conversely, if the new contract's price is lower, long positions will receive a positive rollover adjustment, and short positions a negative one. 
If you want to avoid CFD rollover, you must close your open positions before the rollover date. 
SymbolRollover Date
Please refer to our Terms and Conditions as well as to our Costs and Charges, available under the Legal Documents section, for additional information and practical examples.

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NAGA 是 NAGA Group AG 的商標,該公司是一家在法蘭克福證券交易所公開上市的德國金融科技公司 | WKN:A161NR | ISIN:DE000A161NR7。

該網站由 The NAGA Group AG 所有,由 NAGA Capital Ltd 運營,NAGA Capital Ltd 由塞舌爾金融服務管理局 (FSA) 授權並受其監管,許可證號為 SD026。註冊地址為 CT House, Office 9A, 2nd Floor, Providence, Mahe, Seychelles。
Tel: +248 4373121

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風險警告:衍生工具是復雜的工具,由於杠桿作用而迅速損失資金的風險很高。 您應該考慮是否了解衍生品的工作原理以及是否有能力承擔損失資金的高風險。 這不是投資建議。 通過關註和/或復製或復製其他交易者的交易,即使在關註和/或復製或復製領先交易者時,與Naga Trader進行交易也涉及高風險。 這種風險包括您可能遵循/復製可能缺乏經驗/非專業交易者的交易決策的風險,或者最終目的或意圖或財務狀況的交易者可能與您的交易者不同。 在做出投資決定之前,您應該依靠自己對做出交易決策的人的評估以及所有法律文件的條款。

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