Copy the real-time moves of top traders! Simply choose a trader, click Autocopy and watch your investments move alongside theirs.
*Autocopy trading is risky.
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Enjoy the freedom to trade on your terms and learn as you go, with the insights of top traders by your side.
Copy top-performing traders with verified track records in real time.
Choose who to copy, adjust risk exposure, and decide how much to invest per trade.
Get a 360° view of trader stats, including win rates, trading history, and real-time performance all from our Leaderboard.
Spread your investments across multiple traders, markets, and strategies to manage risk effectively.
Start copy trading in just a few steps.
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Click Autocopy
When they Trade, You Trade
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Find Your Match and Add Funds
Click Autocopy
When they Trade, You Trade
Be Part of a Thriving Community
Find Your Match and Add Funds
Click Autocopy
When they Trade, You Trade
Be Part of a Thriving Community
NAGA is a globally trusted broker, licensed by the ADGM Financial Services Regulatory Authority and other renowned global regulator
From CFDs on stocks, crypto, Forex, commodities, and ETFs to real stocks. Including over 400 of the Gulf’s biggest stars.
Level up your skills with NAGA Academy — offering webinars, tutorials, and trading tips for all experience levels.
Access NAGA's versatile trading tools and trade seamlessly across web, mobile, and tablet platforms. With a unified experience, manage your trades anytime, anywhere.
Join 1.5M+ happy NAGA users already choosing to copy trade.
Savannah Liame
NAGA is awesome! It’s not just about the opportunity to earn a secondary income—it’s the whole social media experience behind it that makes it stand out. I’ve found what works best for me, and I love using all the different tools to analyze charts. But my favorite feature has to be Autocopy. It’s so easy to use, but you have to make sure to use it wisely. NAGA is a must-have platform, but always stay aware of your trading decisions!
Theresa Webb
IRON Trader
What I particularly appreciate about the NAGA platform, where I've been registered since April 1st, 2020, is the outstanding support. Every member of the support team is dedicated to answering any trading or technical questions. NAGA is incredibly transparent, technically advanced, and backed by first-class support, making it easy to feel like a professional trader at any time. I also love the Social Trading feature, especially the ability to copy other traders—it’s a game-changer!
Kristin Watson
My experience with NAGA has been fantastic! The platform is incredibly user-friendly, with a layout that feels as easy to navigate as Facebook. The Autocopy feature is straightforward and works seamlessly, making it simple to mirror top traders. I’d say NAGA is a perfect social trading network for everyone—whether you’re a beginner or a pro. You don’t need to be a financial expert to use it, and it offers great tools for all levels of traders.
Johann Bauer
IRON Trader
My name is Johann Bauer, and I'm from Berlin. I began with $1,000, and now my account stands at $3,200 in 6 months.
Chloé Gabrielle
I'm Chloé from Paris, and I started with a modest deposit of €500. Within just 3 months, I turned it into €1,800 by simply copying the trades of top Lead Traders on the NAGA platform. NAGA's Autocopy feature made trading so easy for me. I don’t have time to follow the markets, but with NAGA, I don't have to.
Savannah Liame
NAGA is awesome! It’s not just about the opportunity to earn a secondary income—it’s the whole social media experience behind it that makes it stand out. I’ve found what works best for me, and I love using all the different tools to analyze charts. But my favorite feature has to be Autocopy. It’s so easy to use, but you have to make sure to use it wisely. NAGA is a must-have platform, but always stay aware of your trading decisions!
Theresa Webb
IRON Trader
What I particularly appreciate about the NAGA platform, where I've been registered since April 1st, 2020, is the outstanding support. Every member of the support team is dedicated to answering any trading or technical questions. NAGA is incredibly transparent, technically advanced, and backed by first-class support, making it easy to feel like a professional trader at any time. I also love the Social Trading feature, especially the ability to copy other traders—it’s a game-changer!
Kristin Watson
My experience with NAGA has been fantastic! The platform is incredibly user-friendly, with a layout that feels as easy to navigate as Facebook. The Autocopy feature is straightforward and works seamlessly, making it simple to mirror top traders. I’d say NAGA is a perfect social trading network for everyone—whether you’re a beginner or a pro. You don’t need to be a financial expert to use it, and it offers great tools for all levels of traders.
Johann Bauer
IRON Trader
My name is Johann Bauer, and I'm from Berlin. I began with $1,000, and now my account stands at $3,200 in 6 months.
Chloé Gabrielle
I'm Chloé from Paris, and I started with a modest deposit of €500. Within just 3 months, I turned it into €1,800 by simply copying the trades of top Lead Traders on the NAGA platform. NAGA's Autocopy feature made trading so easy for me. I don’t have time to follow the markets, but with NAGA, I don't have to.
Savannah Liame
NAGA is awesome! It’s not just about the opportunity to earn a secondary income—it’s the whole social media experience behind it that makes it stand out. I’ve found what works best for me, and I love using all the different tools to analyze charts. But my favorite feature has to be Autocopy. It’s so easy to use, but you have to make sure to use it wisely. NAGA is a must-have platform, but always stay aware of your trading decisions!
Theresa Webb
IRON Trader
What I particularly appreciate about the NAGA platform, where I've been registered since April 1st, 2020, is the outstanding support. Every member of the support team is dedicated to answering any trading or technical questions. NAGA is incredibly transparent, technically advanced, and backed by first-class support, making it easy to feel like a professional trader at any time. I also love the Social Trading feature, especially the ability to copy other traders—it’s a game-changer!
Kristin Watson
My experience with NAGA has been fantastic! The platform is incredibly user-friendly, with a layout that feels as easy to navigate as Facebook. The Autocopy feature is straightforward and works seamlessly, making it simple to mirror top traders. I’d say NAGA is a perfect social trading network for everyone—whether you’re a beginner or a pro. You don’t need to be a financial expert to use it, and it offers great tools for all levels of traders.
版權所有 © 2024 – 保留所有權利。
NAGA 是 The NAGA Group AG 的商標,這是一家總部位於德國的金融科技公司,並在法蘭克福證券交易所公開上市 | WKN: A161NR | ISIN: DE000A161NR7。
該網站由 NAGA Capital Ltd 經營,該公司由塞舌爾金融服務管理局 (FSA) 授權和監管,許可證號為 SD026。註冊地址為 Suite 3, Jivan’s Complex, Global Village, Mont Fleuri, Mahe, Seychelles。 Tel: +248 4373121
合作公司:NAGA Markets Europe Ltd,受塞浦路斯證券交易委員會 ("CySEC") 授權和監管,許可證號為 204/13,註冊地址為 Agias Zonis 11, Limassol, 3027, Cyprus 和 NAGA Global (CY) Ltd,註冊地址為 Nikokreontos 2, NICE DREAM, 6th floor, Flat/Office 601, 1066, Nicosia, Cyprus。
風險警告: 衍生品是複雜的工具,由於槓桿作用,存在迅速虧損的高風險。您應該考慮您是否了解衍生品的運作方式以及您是否能夠承擔虧損的高風險。這不是投資建議。通過 NAGA Trader 進行交易,跟隨和/或複製或模仿其他交易者的交易涉及高風險,即使是跟隨和/或複製或模仿主要交易者。這些風險包括您可能會跟隨/複製可能缺乏經驗/不專業的交易者的交易決策,或其最終目的或意圖或財務狀況可能與您不同的交易者。在做出投資決策之前,您應該依賴您自己對做出交易決策的人的評估以及所有法律文件的條款。
受限國家: NAGA Capital Ltd 不為某些國家的居民提供服務,例如阿富汗、阿爾巴尼亞、美屬薩摩亞、安圭拉、澳大利亞、奧地利、巴巴多斯、白俄羅斯、比利時、百慕大、英屬印度洋領地、保加利亞、布基納法索、加拿大、開曼群島、中非共和國、聖誕島、科科斯(基林)群島、剛果民主共和國、克羅地亞、塞浦路斯、捷克共和國、丹麥、愛沙尼亞、福克蘭群島(馬爾維納斯)、芬蘭、法國、德國、直布羅陀、希臘、關島、海地、赫德島和麥克唐納群島、匈牙利、冰島、伊朗伊斯蘭共和國、愛爾蘭、曼島、以色列、意大利、牙買加、日本、澤西島、朝鮮民主主義人民共和國、拉脫維亞、利比亞阿拉伯民眾國、列支敦士登、立陶宛、盧森堡、馬里、馬耳他、蒙特塞拉特、莫桑比克、緬甸、荷蘭、新西蘭、諾福克島、挪威、巴勒斯坦被占領土、皮特凱恩、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯聯邦、聖赫勒拿、阿森松和特里斯坦達庫尼亞、聖馬力諾、塞內加爾、塞爾維亞、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亞、索馬里、南喬治亞和南桑威奇群島、南蘇丹、西班牙、斯里蘭卡、瑞典、瑞士、敘利亞阿拉伯共和國、特立尼達和多巴哥、突尼斯、特克斯和凱科斯群島、烏干達、烏克蘭、英國及任何其他擁有英國身份證明的國家(即英屬維爾京群島、直布羅陀、曼島等)、美國、美國小離島、瓦努阿圖、英屬維爾京群島、美屬維爾京群島、也門和津巴布韋。