Copy the real-time moves of top traders and watch your investments move, alongside theirs.
Członek NAGA Group A.G, notowany publicznie na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych we Frankfurcie
Użytkownicy NAGA
Średni wskaźnik wygranych głównych traderów
Średnie zyski generowane przez najlepszych traderów
Kopiowanie transakcji jest ryzykowne. Wyniki osiągnięte w przeszłości nie są wskazaniem przyszłych rezultatów.
Enjoy the freedom to trade on your terms and learn as you go, with the insights of top traders by your side.
Copy top-performing traders with verified track records in real-time.
Choose who to copy, stop, or adjust your risk exposure with Stop Loss and Take Profit Limits and control how much you invest per trade.
Gain practical insights by watching the top traders in action.
Spread your risk across multiple traders, markets, and strategies.
Start copy trading in just a few steps.
Find Your Match and Add Funds
Click Autocopy
When they Trade, You Trade
Be Part of a Thriving Community
Find Your Match and Add Funds
Click Autocopy
When they Trade, You Trade
Be Part of a Thriving Community
Find Your Match and Add Funds
Click Autocopy
When they Trade, You Trade
Be Part of a Thriving Community
Join 1.5M+ happy NAGA users already choosing to copy trade.
Savannah Liame
NAGA is awesome! It’s not just about the opportunity to earn a secondary income—it’s the whole social media experience behind it that makes it stand out. I’ve found what works best for me, and I love using all the different tools to analyze charts. But my favorite feature has to be Autocopy. It’s so easy to use, but you have to make sure to use it wisely. NAGA is a must-have platform, but always stay aware of your trading decisions!
Theresa Webb
IRON Trader
What I particularly appreciate about the NAGA platform, where I've been registered since April 1st, 2020, is the outstanding support. Every member of the support team is dedicated to answering any trading or technical questions. NAGA is incredibly transparent, technically advanced, and backed by first-class support, making it easy to feel like a professional trader at any time. I also love the Social Trading feature, especially the ability to copy other traders—it’s a game-changer!
Kristin Watson
My experience with NAGA has been fantastic! The platform is incredibly user-friendly, with a layout that feels as easy to navigate as Facebook. The Autocopy feature is straightforward and works seamlessly, making it simple to mirror top traders. I’d say NAGA is a perfect social trading network for everyone—whether you’re a beginner or a pro. You don’t need to be a financial expert to use it, and it offers great tools for all levels of traders.
Johann Bauer
IRON Trader
My name is Johann Bauer, and I'm from Berlin. I began with $1,000, and now my account stands at $3,200 in 6 months.
Chloé Gabrielle
I'm Chloé from Paris, and I started with a modest deposit of €500. Within just 3 months, I turned it into €1,800 by simply copying the trades of top Lead Traders on the NAGA platform. NAGA's Autocopy feature made trading so easy for me. I don’t have time to follow the markets, but with NAGA, I don't have to.
Savannah Liame
NAGA is awesome! It’s not just about the opportunity to earn a secondary income—it’s the whole social media experience behind it that makes it stand out. I’ve found what works best for me, and I love using all the different tools to analyze charts. But my favorite feature has to be Autocopy. It’s so easy to use, but you have to make sure to use it wisely. NAGA is a must-have platform, but always stay aware of your trading decisions!
Theresa Webb
IRON Trader
What I particularly appreciate about the NAGA platform, where I've been registered since April 1st, 2020, is the outstanding support. Every member of the support team is dedicated to answering any trading or technical questions. NAGA is incredibly transparent, technically advanced, and backed by first-class support, making it easy to feel like a professional trader at any time. I also love the Social Trading feature, especially the ability to copy other traders—it’s a game-changer!
Kristin Watson
My experience with NAGA has been fantastic! The platform is incredibly user-friendly, with a layout that feels as easy to navigate as Facebook. The Autocopy feature is straightforward and works seamlessly, making it simple to mirror top traders. I’d say NAGA is a perfect social trading network for everyone—whether you’re a beginner or a pro. You don’t need to be a financial expert to use it, and it offers great tools for all levels of traders.
Johann Bauer
IRON Trader
My name is Johann Bauer, and I'm from Berlin. I began with $1,000, and now my account stands at $3,200 in 6 months.
Chloé Gabrielle
I'm Chloé from Paris, and I started with a modest deposit of €500. Within just 3 months, I turned it into €1,800 by simply copying the trades of top Lead Traders on the NAGA platform. NAGA's Autocopy feature made trading so easy for me. I don’t have time to follow the markets, but with NAGA, I don't have to.
Savannah Liame
NAGA is awesome! It’s not just about the opportunity to earn a secondary income—it’s the whole social media experience behind it that makes it stand out. I’ve found what works best for me, and I love using all the different tools to analyze charts. But my favorite feature has to be Autocopy. It’s so easy to use, but you have to make sure to use it wisely. NAGA is a must-have platform, but always stay aware of your trading decisions!
Theresa Webb
IRON Trader
What I particularly appreciate about the NAGA platform, where I've been registered since April 1st, 2020, is the outstanding support. Every member of the support team is dedicated to answering any trading or technical questions. NAGA is incredibly transparent, technically advanced, and backed by first-class support, making it easy to feel like a professional trader at any time. I also love the Social Trading feature, especially the ability to copy other traders—it’s a game-changer!
Kristin Watson
My experience with NAGA has been fantastic! The platform is incredibly user-friendly, with a layout that feels as easy to navigate as Facebook. The Autocopy feature is straightforward and works seamlessly, making it simple to mirror top traders. I’d say NAGA is a perfect social trading network for everyone—whether you’re a beginner or a pro. You don’t need to be a financial expert to use it, and it offers great tools for all levels of traders.
Prawa autorskie © 2024 – Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
NAGA jest znakiem towarowym The NAGA Group AG, niemieckiej firmy FinTech notowanej na giełdzie we Frankfurcie | WKN: A161NR | ISIN: DE000A161NR7.
Strona internetowa jest obsługiwana przez NAGA Markets Europe LTD, która jest autoryzowana i regulowana przez Cypryjską Komisję Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (CySEC) na podstawie licencji nr 204/13. Zarejestrowany adres NAGA Markets Europe LTD to Agias Zonis 11, Limassol 3027, Cypr. Poprzednia domena:
Rejestracje: BaFin reg. 135203 | Consob reg. 3844 | CNMV reg. 3591
OSTRZEŻENIE O RYZYKU: CFD są złożonymi instrumentami i wiążą się z wysokim ryzykiem szybkiej utraty pieniędzy z powodu dźwigni finansowej. 78.81% rachunków inwestorów detalicznych traci pieniądze podczas handlu CFD z tym dostawcą. Powinieneś rozważyć, czy rozumiesz, jak działają CFD i czy możesz sobie pozwolić na podjęcie wysokiego ryzyka utraty swoich pieniędzy.
Handel z NAGA Trader poprzez śledzenie i/lub kopiowanie lub replikowanie transakcji innych traderów wiąże się z wysokim poziomem ryzyka, nawet przy śledzeniu i/lub kopiowaniu lub replikowaniu transakcji najlepiej działających traderów. Takie ryzyko obejmuje ryzyko, że możesz śledzić/kopiować decyzje handlowe potencjalnie niedoświadczonych/nieprofesjonalnych traderów lub traderów, których ostateczny cel lub zamiar, lub status finansowy mogą się różnić od twojego. Przed podjęciem decyzji inwestycyjnej powinieneś polegać na własnej ocenie osoby podejmującej decyzje handlowe oraz na warunkach wszystkich dokumentów prawnych.
Ograniczone regiony: NAGA Markets Europe LTD oferuje usługi mieszkańcom Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego, z wyłączeniem Belgii. NAGA Markets Europe LTD nie świadczy usług inwestycyjnych i pomocniczych na terytoriach krajów trzecich.
Programy partnerskie nie są dozwolone w Hiszpanii w zakresie komercjalizacji usług inwestycyjnych lub pozyskiwania klientów przez nieautoryzowane strony trzecie.
Los programas de afiliados no están permitidos en España para la comercialización de servicios de inversión y captación de clientes por parte de terceros no autorizados.